Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Me in the Middle

Yesterday was a glimpse into the future: fetching, carrying, providing three meals, being Dad's crutch as he slowly made his way from the car to his bed.

From the moment I opened my eyes before dawn until I fell into an exhausted heap last night, I was engaged in meeting the needs of either my children or my parents.

I am one of millions being called the "sandwich generation." It takes children much longer to become independent these days. Our parents lose independence as they age. We turn into the meat in the middle of a generational sandwich.

Like parenting, caring for elderly parents is a privilege, a responsibility, and a joy. It is also damn hard. Learning to do it with grace, learning to support others without losing ourselves, is quickly becoming the central issue of millions of personal dramas. Including mine.

Fasten your seatbelts. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.


Carrie Wilson Link said...

Pass the condiments.

The middle sucks.

mamatulip said...

It is a bumpy step at a time.

Thought of you and your father all day yesterday; so glad to hear his surgery was a success.

riversgrace said...

So glad to hear he's on the mend, and that you have the awareness you do. Never heard that term. Another great opportunity to let the writing lead the way.

Alijah Fitt said...

Glad to hear Dad is well. The middle is a bit like purgatory isn't it? No wonder you've been feeling restless lately.

Suzy said...

You do everything with grace.

Preserve some time and space for yourself.

Love you.


PS Today is Carrie Link's B Day.

Deb Shucka said...

Take care of yourself in all of this. If you start to feel lost, remember all the hearts holding you in love.