Friday, February 15, 2008

Believing Is Seeing

We see things not as they are, but as we are.

I've loved that quote for a long time. First saw it attributed to Anais Nin, but based on something I read recently, I'm pretty sure Anais got it from the Torah. Either way, It's spot on.

We've had drama at the salon lately, new episodes playing daily. And every single person sees themselves as blameless and others as the entire problem. (When I say every single person, I mean except for me, of course. [snort! choke! laugh!])

The thing is, few people see what's playing out in front of them. They see the story they believe. occur. When two or more people later recount those events, the stories are entirely...entirely...different. And each person is telling the truth as they see it.

New information rarely changes people's minds. They see what they believe. I'm pretty sure that's how Americans elected George Bush. Twice.

That's what I believe. That's what I see. And it scares me.


Deb Shucka said...

The more of us there are seeking truth in all its guises, the more of us willing to know that everyone has their own truth, the easier it will be for us to find the bright light of one truth.

Nancy said...

You are spot on with these varying truths. See this with family issues ALL THE TIME! I guess I will have to consider this the next time I am sure that I have it right!

Go Mama said...

Yes, remember the movie Rashomon? Every person "saw" a different reality during the same event.

But, I will add that inspiration can happen at any moment. In that moment, anything is possible. Change is possible. A new way of viewing the old is possible. A paradigm shift is always possible.

Here's to inspiration and the exploration of possibility! Love you J.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

And therein lies the rub! So many truths, so much debauch!

Love is the answer. Now what was the damn question?

Alijah Fitt said...

Is there anymore dramatic theme than the salon drama. Oh boy, could we talk!

Michelle O'Neil said...

The democrats elected Bush.

What you resist persists.

This time I hope our country focuses on what we DO want, rather than what we don't.

Yes we can!