Monday, February 26, 2007

Not That Kind of Girl, Part 1

Patty Bailey bounces on the trampoline in gym class. Her bleached blond hair flies in wild opposition to her skinny white legs—straight up as she falls to the surface and down to her shoulders as she bounces back up. The remaining sophomore girls and Mary Lou Sallee, the gym teacher, circle the tramp.

Brenda Kay and I hold our breath as Patty flies higher and higher. Her stomach and her breasts strain at the buttons of her royal blue, one-piece gymsuit. Mrs. Sallee tells Patty to do a swivel hip to a front drop. Patty pulls off several of the spectacular maneuvers as we watch silently. Even those of us who don’t really pray are praying now. We just don’t know for what.

Alone in her room later that afternoon, Brenda Kay and I exchange whispers. We’re sure Patty’s booming bounces had nothing to do with getting a good grade. We think she was trying to solve her problem in the only legal way available to her. We might be brave enough to ask the boy involved to help her if only we knew which of the many that might be.

I am not that kind of girl.


Deb Shucka said...

I am so excited to be the first one to comment on the continuation of the story you started this weekend. I remember those blue things, but not quite in that way. You made me laugh and I can hardly wait to read more. Deb

The Geezers said...

You're on to something here. This is very cozy, interesting writing, and knowing something of your life, I'd strongly suggest you expand both directions from this story point.

I"m not sure exactly what the difference is, but there now seems to be a very definite, clearly defined viewpoint to this writing.

Great work.

jennifer said...

Good. Now we're talking.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff, Jerri. I can see you and Brenda Kay conspiring... I love the opening music, "Patty Bailey bounces..."

Kim said...

What terrific details--I am right there with you. I feel lucky that I'm reading this late b/c I see that there are several more above this. Yum!

Alijah Fitt said...

Oh how we hated her and secretly wished we could be her. You hit the truth memory cord. Good job.

riversgrace said...

In a short few months, the 'door' is really opening. Isn't it liberating? Can't wait to read glad the story continues.