Friday, September 28, 2007

Black (pants) Magic

I believe in the transformative powers of black pants. I must. Why else would my wardrobe consist of two pairs of jeans (two pairs that still fit, anyway), one pair of khakis, and eight (8) pairs of black pants.

What do you suppose I just brought home? Yep. Another pair of black pants. I tried. Really I did. But nothing else did a thing to diguise the sad truth that butt-in-chair results in butt-the-size-of-chair.

They’re going back tomorrow. I’m going for a walk. Right now.


Amber said...

I am a long skirt kind of girl, myself. Hides many flaws.


Nancy said...

Going to a reunion tonight... 40 something crowd that worked together in our 20's. There was only one wardrobe decision to make...which pair of black pants? I've got the same closet!

kario said...

Isn't it funny how we do that? I swear, every time I get into the store I think, Hmm, those are cute black pants. It wouldn't hurt to have one more pair, would it?

And then I get home and find that I have more than I think.

Hope you had a nice walk!

Deb Shucka said...

You only need 7 pairs of black pants. There are only seven days in a week. I like to mix my wardrobe up with dark gray and deep green just to be adventurous!

Go Mama said...

Ok ladies,
You need to tivo Tim Gunn's Guide to Style (Bravo) to get out of a rut, start to rework your wardrobe and feel good again. There is so much more possibility than buying the same thing over and over.

Trust you have the black pants covered and then explore other colors, shapes and silhouettes. You might be surprised. What about a fitted straight skirt, some sexy boots and a belted duster/trench coat over a wrap blouse? I'm just sayin'....

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Butt-in-chair does have its drawbacks I've noticed!