Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: Ideas

Ideas are writing's life blood, and for me, they come in questions. I wonder if. . . . I wonder why. . . . I wonder how. . . . Curiosity come to life.

I vaguely remember in the book What Dreams May Come when the author said all art, all writing exists complete in the Universe somewhere. The person who produces it doesn't so much create it as tap into its vibration and then translate it for others to experience. That makes sense to me because it's only when I open myself that the ideas flow, only when I let go of my self-criticism and self-consciousness that the words come freely.

When ideas and words do arrive, I'm often surprised by them. I can't count the times a solution has presented itself to me, an idea truly beyond my ability to think up or create. Sometimes phrases appear, surprising me with their beauty or their aptness. When I'm deliberately constructing sentences or painstakingly producing ideas, the result is usually acceptable—workmanlike and orderly. But when I cast orderliness to the winds, throw open the doors of my heart and mind, stretch my arms wide and dance with the pulse of the earth, I'm sometimes carried by an idea, swept along by its current, lit by its energy.

It's the reason I write: to ride the tail of that kite now and again.

For more on ideas, go to Sunday Scribblings.


Faith said...

I like that idea that all writing exists. It makes me feel part of a bigger picture. Isn't that what we're all looking belong to find meaning in our lives. Pretty deep:)

Kamsin said...

I really like this post. I've certainly had the experience when I read something I have written a while later and it feels like someone other than me wrote it.

Giggles said...

Jerri this is a beautiful, sage post! I’m going to share these words with a struggling songwriter! Very true and I’ve never thought of it that way! Excellent post! Thank-you!

Peace and giggles!

luzie said...

There's so much truth in your post, Jerri. I very much enjoyed reading it.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love when ideas come from seemingly nowhere while I'm working on a piece of writing...

Good post thanks

Tammy Brierly said...

Very well written and I loved that movie. It does make sense ;) "To ride the tail of that kite now and again." Lovely!

holly said...

beautiful post, jerri!

Amber said...

Yes, I can see this being so...Maybe that is why we sometimes get the same ideas? Like, th eidea is waiting for whoever will feel it first.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed the meditation for Darlene and Mark. Thank you for organizing the healing.

JP (mom) said...

...tap into its vibration and then translate it for others to experience - I love this idea that all art exists in the Universe & the job of the artist is to tap into it, draw it within, and then put it out there with our hand, our own mind, our heart and soul for the world to see. Beautiful. Much peace, JP

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, inspirational post, Jerri! And yes, that breathless feeling of being carried along the current of your words...THAT is the reason to write.

I'm keeping this one handy for all of those times I get stuck.

Thank you, as always, for your wisdom.