Monday, February 23, 2009


A body in motion tends to stay in motion.

A body at rest tends to stay at rest.

A body that can't decide between the two turns to assault eating.

In this waiting time, I'm trying to rest, but it's not in my nature. I keep thinking, circling inside my brain, looking for one more thing I could do to tip the pendulum my way. Put in another marathon session over the weekend on "one more thing." Also baked chocolate cookies, made macaroni and cheese twice, and ate an entire pizza over the course of two days. We won't talk about the bag or Doritos or the half box of Triscuits.

And, Lord save me, I've turned to the hard stuff. No...don't make me say it.... Yes, it's true: I've been drinking Coca Cola. Let me assure you, things do not go better with Coke. High fructuose corn syrup is not the answer.

I've hit "Refresh" on my email so many times my beautiful new computer may blow up.

I wish the Buddhist part of me could get the rest of me to sit down and shut up. Even when you believe in faith, faith is a hard thing to believe in.


Go Mama said...

Sending you Love.
and the grace to love yourself while you wait...

Might I suggest a "refreshing" walk around the pond?

Anonymous said...

My favorite mantra in anxious times: "I could see peace instead of this."
(From A Course in Miracles.)

Amber said...



Carrie Wilson Link said...

Time to start spring cleaning! Make all that nervous energy work for ya!

mamatulip said...

Deep breath in...

deep breath out.


Deb Shucka said...

Get out and walk. Feel my love and support wrapped around you as you go. Remember who and where you want to be when he does call you.