Sunday, February 15, 2009

Changes Afoot

Yesterday I cold-called a 68-year-old woman whose name Michelle found in a article on a group of cookie-baking grandmas in Minneapolis. I asked if she knew anyone who fits the description of the people I need to interview for the-project-for-which-I-have-such-hope. She did.

Later, I walked up to a complete stranger in a restaurant, gave her my card, and asked if she knew anyone. Her answer was yes, too.

I swear I walked out of that restaurant half an inch taller than I walked into it.

Later, I met Lee Wolfe Blum a simply fabulous woman virtually introduced to me by GoMama. Lee gave me several possibilities, too.

This crazy thing I'm doing may change more than my work. It may change my life. I've gotten so isolated in my red leather chair facing the pond, retreated so far in my cave. This work requires going out into the world, requires boldness and confidence. Whatever happens with the project, these are good things.

Late yesterday afternoon I got very close to locking down the last interview I need. I'll hear back today. If it doesn't pan out, I'll wander the streets til I find someone if I have to. The power of connection, the power of intention have never been more clear.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Maybe not the first time you ask, but if you keep asking...and asking...and asking....


Deb Shucka said...

Your courage lights up the sky. Your confidence is infectious. You are a wonder. I love you.

Jess said...

Thats so great! Nothing like getting out into the world. I should try it more often myself...

You didn't know Lee before? You know, she did that workshop in Sisters with us in June 07... She brought her really cool friend Jen who lives in Seattle and is doing a Tom Spanbauer workshop with Tracy next month... Anyway, nice to close the circle a little bit.

I miss you and your red leather chair.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Just love all the no accidents to this story!

Amber said...

You are SO BRAVE. I admire you to the moon and back.


Go Mama said...

Glad to be a connector...