Friday, April 17, 2009

Do the Right Thing

Two weeks ago or so, the production company agreed to go forward and asked me to take the next step. I did. I did everything they asked and more--made some valuable connections that surprised even me.

After reporting back to the production company with my results, I've heard nothing. Complete crickets. I find myself anxious and even a bit angry. I did what you asked. I did the right things. Why isn't that enough?

This could be my theme song, folks. When am I going to get over it? If not now, when?


George said...

Jerri: Everything takes forever.

mamatulip said...

Perhaps a little nudge would prompt them to get in touch?

Jerri said...

George: yes, everything takes forever. Including learning patience and growing past the belief that doing the right thing is, in fact, the right thing.

Michelle O'Neil said...

Let go of the oars! You are loved. There is nothing to fear.

Deb Shucka said...

As I catch up on a week's worth of posts, the word doubt seems to be showing up a lot. Banish it my dearest friend. Banish it. You are not only loved, but magnificent. Neither of which will be impacted one way or the other whether you get this gig or not.