We walked away in total agreement: "That woman did not write a book on her own."
Anyone who attends readings very often can tell you that not all great writers are great—or even decent—readers. Many are terrible public speakers. Years ago, Bryan and I attended a year-long series of readings. Of the twelve incredibly strong writers who spoke, only Rebecca Wells, a trained actress, held the audience with the power of her presence. The others kept us in our seats with the power of what they had written, and some barely, at that.
So it wasn't that Debbie didn't speak well. In some odd ways, she did. But watching her mind work, listening to the way she described things, people, and situations, I did not believe that her powers of observation and description alone produced a memoir people would pay to read.
Not surprisingly, Amazon and Google revealed 1) a co-author, and 2) huge controversy. The controversy involves how much credit she takes and how much she deserves for establishing the school, whether some of the individual stories told in the book are true, and whether the book endangers the Afghan women described in its pages.
The book was a best seller and the movie rights sold for "high six figures." Things tend to fall apart when boatloads of money pull up to the dock. I have no way of knowing where the truth shakes out of all that.
But here's the thing I'm left with: Kristin Ohlson, Debbie's co-author, is a talented, multi-faceted freelance writer. She has written everything from scientific articles to essays for Salon Magazine. Plus a book of her own, Stalking the Divine. Her life has not been easy. She raised a son who has substantial neurological challenges and an NT daughter. She and her husband divorced after 22 years of marriage.
One essay that appeared in Salon, "Faith in the Baby" is as good as any I've ever read. Another from Brain, Child, "Big Words," rocked my world.

Kristin inspires the hell out of me. Reading her essays taught me huge things about writing and about living. I may not know much about the controversy surrounding Kabul Beauty School, but I can tell you this for sure: Kristin Ohlson is the real deal.
If there's anyone who should be able to recognize "the real deal" it's you.
You're writing wonderfully at the moment, as these last few pieces prove.
"The real deal" is that place in between the media whores and monster egos, and the pretentious snobs who sniff at anything that speaks to the heart of real people.
And that, my dear, is your territory. Keep the faith.
I just read Stalking the Divine and subsequently Ohlson's Faith in the Baby article last week! I absolutely loved them both.
Great post, and I agree with Doubting Thomas. Takes the real deal to know one.
Thanks for sharing about this. I had heard both names and been curious about Kabul Beauty School, but now I know where to start.
Wish I could've gone to that event with you, sounds great!
Hey, what happened to the post about the nickels? That was fantastic.
Funny! I have this book on my Amazon wish list. Now that you say it is so good, I will put it in my next order. ;)
I have a hard time with people like the author you saw. I know what you mean about the space they take up, energy-wise... I tend to be very sensitive to people, and people like this drain me, you know? Nothing against them personally, it is just the way I have always felt around them. Like I need a nap.
I was talking about Stalking the Devine, not the beauty school one.
Thank you for sharing this information. I'm on my way to read Kristin Ohlson. It would have been great to be sitting next to you and Barb during the talk. =)
Ditto, Deb.
Love how the raw reality of some people makes them better writers and the audience can sense it....
This is beautifully written, J, and beautifully articulated. What a great tribute. I look forward to the read.
And I'd love to see more essays from you!
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