Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No Lap for My Laptop

An issue flitted through my head a couple of times over recent weeks but didn't stick until I read this post on RiversGrace.

My first response was concern for Prema's sister. My second was concern about the electromagnetic sea we swim in every day. I work many, many hours every day, curled up in my red leather chair in the windows by the pond, with my laptop nestled against my internal organs. No more.

I'm taking the laptop out of my lap and putting it on a table or desk.

If your laptop is in your lap, move it, would you? Thank you.


Jess said...

Yes, I have been thinking a lot about this, too. After hearing about Prem's sister, but also after reading something about fertility that said, NEVER put your laptop on your lap. So, mine is off.

But I might get a new Macbook this week! We'll have an agreement about that though.

hg said...

Oh, but it's so cozy there.

OK, promise. Back onto the desk with my laptop, starting right now.

hg said...

ok- sorry. maybe i need to invest in a lead vest or something b/c i just like the warm feel of my laptop here.

riversgrace said...

Laptop on my lap, such a hard habit to break! I will, though. I must.

Alijah Fitt said...

I didn't read yet about Prema's sister but the massage therapist in my old office stopped me from the lap habit a few years ago. The swelling in my knee disappeared after a few weeks. Had been there for months without end.