Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Waltzing Down Memory Lane

If you visit over at Mama N Me, you know I'm making a cookbook/scrapbook thing for Katie, one of 21 presents for her 21st birthday.

Opened my first ever Photoshop file about 10 days ago now. Can't tell you how much I love playing with it. SO much. I love it SO much.

Anyway, here's a page that's nearly finished. If any Photoshop experts out there have ideas and suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


Anonymous said...

Only one word for this recent exploration of yours.


And I mean it in the best possible way.

Michelle O'Neil said...

That is the cutest picture!

hg said...

you are an amazing mama!

Alijah Fitt said...

I gave my son ten dollars per year for his twenty third (last month). Not too creative nor sentimental, but he needed a little cash. You are amazing.

Steph said...

My absolute favorite picture of your daughter. I miss those days. It seems like yesterday Kate, Evan and I were sending snickers through Evans bedroom window down a string connected to the play set. Wow, how time flew.