Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cleaning by Candlelight

Last night I lit a fire and some candles and invited Paul Potts to sing to me in the twilight (via iPod, of course). Then I cleaned house.

I turn on the lights in whatever room I'm working on, but each time I pass through the glowing living room to the trash or laundry room, beauty presses in on me. Paul's voice fills the house with joy.

Cleaning is not usually my favorite activity. Candles and music transform it into a celebration, a demonstration of gratitude.

Sounds crazy, I know. But try it some time. You might be surprised.


riversgrace said...

Thanks, this must be the missing element. And who is this guy??

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Sounds like my kinda evening - and I wish I were kidding!

Suzy said...

If Carly Simon were singing to me naked, I wouldn't clean the house.


The Geezers said...

Truthfully, nothing you suggest can surprise me anymore.

I'm still organizing my life around units of 27.

Deb Shucka said...

I'm for lighting candles in every room so you can't see the dust. And if Paul is singing, no one will care anyway.

Suze, I certainly hope that housecleaning would be far from your mind in that situation!

I hope you enjoy the results as much as you did the process. =)

Jenny said...

Well Ron and I have to clean the apartment we're moving out of this weekend, so maybe I'll give the candelight idea a go!

kario said...

You are a freaking genius! I am so doing that! Now, how soon can you figure out how to get the kids and the hubby out of my house so I can try it?