We finished 6 aprons Sunday. Here are 5 of them.

We got a little carried away and added sequins and ruffles to a few of them.

To be truthful, the "we" who got carried away was mostly me. Everyone else kept their heads pretty well, and we all had lots of fun. Oh, and Mom made us muffins for breakfast before we started our play day. Aren't they pretty?

Yummy colors. Sequined aprons - every woman should have one!!!
The muffins are making me drool!
Thanks for sharing your fun. Love you.
I am absolutely coveting the bird dish! What a treasure that is. I'll bet it has a story.
Ok, you are so multi-talented. I'm going to start calling you Martha (for the right reasons!). Really, though, you could sell those aprons big time. Not that you would want to, just sayin.
Got your calls and will try to reach you later.
So much creativity in your being...
I NEED an apron like that, who doesn't? Wow, what a cool woman ritual party.
Second from the left is my favourite (in the top pic). They're fabulous!
Jerri, how fun! And I'm with Deb on that bird dish -- love it and wonder ~ what's the scoop? Wonderful, colorful post! xo t
About the bird dish--It's new. Mom and Deb and I went to a truly fabulous store called Pryde's last Saturday. Mom wanted this dish but wouldn't buy it for herself. I sneaked it into my purchases and surprised her with it. She loved it so much she used it the very next morning.
I want an apron with a sequined tea pot on it! And while you're at it, I'd love a muffin--they look delish.
How sweet that several people commented on the bird dish and it was a happy new gift purchase!
Those aprons are DARLING!!!
Maybe a tea pot one for Link?
Ha, ha, ha O'Neil!
Will you adopt me, Jerri! I need a mom like you!
Absolutely, Link. Consider yourself officially adopted, here and now.
Now, shall we talk about where I'm going to live when I get old?
I wish I could have joined you - sounds like fun.
Love the colors on the aprons!!! Did you dye easter eggs too?
You can do everything! those are lovely.
Aren't you the little crafter!
full of surprises.
can i get in on that adoption too. you can never have too many daughters.
and, martha has NOTHING on you ...
Me too on the adoption. :)
I just want to come over and be crafty with you. Great aprons, great colors. Wonderful.
I think I have a White Tower polka dot apron I can throw in the mix.
Don't forget to starch the aprons.
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