Friday, March 26, 2010

Out of Steam

I am home, safe and sound. Katie is recovering well.

My blog has been silent for long periods lately, only because I've run out of steam. Between working too much, sewing for my granddaughter-to-be, and getting ready for the shower I'm throwing for her, every day is crammed from morning til night. Throw in a couple elderly parents, an aunt with Parkinson's, a friend fairly well immobilized by a knee injury, and it's time to stick a fork in me. I'm done.

I may not comment often, but I read your blogs and I miss you all. I'll be back some time soon.



Deb Shucka said...

Miss you, too. Sending lots of love and prayers that you find yourself again.

Go Mama said...

Love to you too, J.

luckyzmom said...

I totally understand and will patiently await your words.

So great that Katie is better.

kario said...

Take care of yourself. I can't wait to hear that you've found some time and energy and gone off on some crazy adventure that is just for you. said...

Love back atcha' Jerri.

You are loved.
