Saturday, November 06, 2010

New Love

Life is so full, so rich right now. My biggest challenge is fitting it all in.

Yesterday, I needed to get the house ready for Katie's visit (she got here yesterday afternoon). Also, I needed to get some work-work done and I had Teagan for the day. The end result was that I didn't write yesterday, and it leaves a hole in my world.

Do you remember new love--the ache of being away from your beloved? That's the feeling I have now when doing almost anything other than writing (except caring for T, of course). I may be working on the work that pays the bills or cooking dinner because I've made a commitment to take better care of myself or cleaning the bathroom because...well...because. But in the back of my head, I'm counting the minutes until I can get back to where I most want to be, back with the story that fills my head and my heart and my soul.

This is a new feeling for me, this obsession with finishing the book. I like it.

8 comments: said...

So happy for your Jerri.

Begging to be a beta reader...when/if you ever need one. Rock on.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

I love when that happens! Can't wait to read it, either!

luckyzmom said...

Thanks for sharing your joy!

Amber said...

That sounds good to me! Isn't this what every writer shoudl feel? Good for you.

oxox :)

Deb Shucka said...

I love that this is your life right now. One of the cool things about what we do is that even when we're doing something else, we still get to be working on our stories, and no one can tell (at least unless we drift out of bounds entirely). :-)

kario said...

Yay! Savor this feeling and squeeze all you can out of it (and store it up for when you're rewriting...).


Shopgirl said...

I can relate, though I am not nearly working on a book. I am excited and happy for you, from reading your blog I can tell what a good writer you are.

Janna Leadbetter said...

That ache when away from writing? Yes, I so understand. I've been feeling it now with my latest WIP, my third novel. The potential of it just fills me.

I've found you through Deb Shucka, one of my favorites, and I like your blog. What you have to say suits me. And I see we're from the same place. My family and I are outside the city now, but I grew up on the MO side, still consider it my stomping grounds.

It's nice to "meet" you. :)